Welcome to one way I share my photography hobby and some of my travels. I hope you enjoy these photos and perhaps the story that accompanies them. Click on the photo to see a larger version.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Spring Ride In Wisconsin

On April 23, 2019, I rode my motorcycle into western Wisconsin.  Wisconsin is close to where I live and, honestly, I ride there a lot.  There is a seemingly endless supply of great motorcycle roads to explore and, because they are close, I am able to ride them and still be home at a decent hour.  I ride solo fairly often, a lot actually.  It's not that I don't like to ride with others, because I do.  I enjoy the camaraderie when I travel with another person, but I'm also comfortable riding alone.  Riding solo, I don't have to worry that I'm exploring a road that might end up being a waste of my companion's time.  I am limited only by my own time constraints. "In solitude, I find my answers" Kristen Butler.

The photos in this photo blog include places I've seen or ridden by many times over the last 39 years or so.

Thanks for visiting my photo blog.  I hope you enjoy the photos.  Click on each photo separately to see a larger version of the photo on a separate page.

"Bob" poses quietly just south of Maiden Rock.

Located south of Maiden Rock, I'm not sure what this used to be.  It is very old, for sure.  

One of the supports for what used to be a soffit.  

I love old doorways because they humanize even a simple, small building like this one.  Doorways were made by us and for us to walk through.  Countless people walked through this old doorway way back when.  

An old refrigerator, long abandoned, lies on it's back alongside the structure.

This tiny building, whatever it was, had a cellar, once accessed from the back of the building.

The arched brick over the doorway marks it as such, a doorway.

Behind the building, a view into the "yard".

An old steel can from way back when.

Cows on the ridge, somewhere north of Pepin

A road less traveled

Small town cemetery

The sign, hidden behind the lone building in the cemetery, lists all the cemetery rules.  It apparently doesn't mention anything about dumping ceiling fans.

An old door, with old reinforcements, and an old lock (oddly on the outside of the door).

One of many examples of family gravesites showing very young deaths.  Even in this small cemetery, there were numerous examples of people dying in their 40's, 50's, and 60's, along with several in their early teens and earlier.

An artist, Matt, whom I met as he was painting this area of Pine Creek.  Matt is a plein air painter, meaning he takes his easel outdoors to paint his subjects and objects, using the lighting that's available to him.  As you can see, he is very good.  Matt has a small gallery of his art in Stockholm Wisconsin.  You (and I) should check it out!


  1. Dearest David,

    Lovely photos, as always. Capturing the mood, the feeling of the moment. Great stuff, please keep it coming!

    But, what about the da*n PIE?!

    -Pizza Steve.

    1. Dear Pizza,

      Thank you for the kind words!

      The pie place shall remain unnamed until we are able to venture there and give it a proper sampling!

  2. Sweet Dave! Thanks for sharing. :)

