Welcome to one way I share my photography hobby and some of my travels. I hope you enjoy these photos and perhaps the story that accompanies them. Click on the photo to see a larger version.

Friday, September 30, 2022

The Rolling Hills of Nelson Wisconsin

 On the second to the last day of September, I went on a fairly “local” ride, riding a round trip of under 200 miles.  I’m in The Funnel now, that meaning that fall is happening and winter is on fast on it’s heels, so I find my self in a yearly crunch for time to ride during nice weather.  On this day, I set out to explore the many interesting and lesser-travelled roads in and around Nelson Wisconsin.  I have travelled many of these roads before but, not surprisingly, I was able to find a few that I had not previously experienced.  I hope you enjoy the photos from this ride.

A field that has been harvested.  Proof for those who wish to deny the inevitable that winter will come soon.

The beautiful valleys between Nelson Wisconsin and Alma are sometimes breathtaking. The roads are sometimes paved and sometimes dirt or gravel.  They’re worth a visit.

This is on Wisconsin Rustic Road 51, found just south of Maiden Rock, which includes 6 semi-challenging stream crossings on an otherwise scenic and tree canopied dirt and gravel road.  

Just south of Nelson Wisconsin, on an unfamiliar dirt track, I find this interesting item at the side of the road.  

An old clothes washing machine at the roadside marked with “Beer Cans In Here, Thanks”.  Alas, I didn’t have any beer cans on me, so I cannot be considered a contributor.

Many of these scenic valleys contain wonderful looking old farm homesteads and actively farmed land. They make for beautiful scenery.

A short distance further up this road, I came across an older-than-me gentleman walking down a steep hill with his assistive walker.  I wished my Dad were able to be as adventurous as this man.  

One sign of fall: Dried fields.  This picture also represents, to some degree, that I’m in fly-over land.

Thanks for looking at these photos!


  1. Jr. and I were out there with you in spirit. I want to live there. To see those views from my window each day would be heavenly. Thanks for the memory.

    I'm a little surprised to see water in those creek beds given this summer's drought conditions.

    1. I was surprised too Steve! At least at how deep the crossings were. I think that stream must be spring-fed somewhere along the line because I’ve never seen those crossings dry.

  2. Nice photos Dave. I liked them. The hills of Wisconsin can be breath taking. I was reminded of back in the day when I use to fly Army helicopters around those hills at tree top level as the Army has some low-level training routes near Ft McCoy, Wisconsin. Once in a while I used to think this must be what a bumble bee feels like as it flies through a flower garden. Your photos brought back some of those memories. Thank you for that. I miss those days. I'll always miss those days.

    1. Thanks! I would have loved to experience the low-level flights through those hills! In Wisconsin, that is. Some of those other places you flew, I’m perfectly happy reading about and “experiencing” vicariously through your words and photos!

  3. Thanks Dave! Always interesting and your photos are beautiful!

  4. Excellent pics and narratives. I was concerned that the dust storm was some type of a spirit until you revealed it was a harmless cocoa lab. Thanks for sharing. Linda M

